Publishing information

LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation

Herrengasse 12, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Telefon: +41 44 256 8110
Telefax: +41 44 256 8111

Registered office in Vaduz

Supervisory authority:
Foundation Supervisory Authority
9490 Vaduz, Äulestrasse 70, Postfach 684

Information required by the Liechtenstein Media Law

Publisher and media owner:

LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation Herrengasse 12, 9490 Vaduz

General Management:

  • Oliver Karius

Foundation Council:

  • Dr. Alexander Leeb (President)
  • H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein
  • Dr. Erik Müller
  • Elliott Donnelley
  • Reynir Indahl

Primary subject matter:

  • Presentation of LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation
  • Information on the social organizations supported by LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation
  • Information about the services provided by LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation
  • Information on general topics, in particular social investments, philanthropy, impact investing

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