ARMANN Using tech to empower women and community health workers

Maternal, newborn and child health in India continues to rate well below the benchmark set by the UN SDGs, with most deaths preventable. In the face of an overburdened network of community health workers, ARMMAN builds on the country’s deep mobile phone penetration in the aim of not only increasing the number of women seeking preventative care, but also improving the care itself through health-worker training. Women registered in ARMMAN’s free mobile service receive regular pre-recorded calls, enabling them to make more informed decisions about their and their baby’s health – and be treated by a health network better equipped to detect and manage high-risk conditions.  

How ARMMAN is reducing maternal and child mortality and morbidity in India.

Our commitment

We have invested in ARMMAN as part of LGT Venture Philanthropy’s health strategy to focus on models that design, scale, strengthen and sustain digitally empowered solutions to provide high-quality primary healthcare in underserved communities. We provide comprehensive support across three areas:

Business expertise

  • Input on strategy  

  • Assistance in formalizing board and board-related process  


  • Connection with high-interest funders to support resource mobilization efforts


  • Unrestricted funding to build organizational capacity  

  • Boost in data and technology innovation   

  • Improved tracking/evidence of impact   

In 2022

  • 4 833 261

    women enrolled in mobile health programs

  • 25 944

    Community Health Workers trained

ARMMAN is thrilled to have LGT Venture Philanthropy as a partner in this journey as we work towards our vision of empowering mothers and enabling healthy children in India.

Dr. Aparna Hegde Founder at ARMMAN
Dr. Aparna Hegde

For more information

Learn more about how ARMANN works in the field