Educate Girls Mobilizing communities for girls’ education

India has the world’s largest illiterate population, with women and girls in rural areas especially affected. While poverty is one cause, other barriers – including cultural and social factors, the poor quality of education and inadequate infrastructure – keep many parents from sending their children to school. Educate Girls is a non-profit organization that mobilizes communities to improve and expand girls’ education in rural and educationally underserved areas. Already operating in over 22,000 villages, Educate Girls builds on the government’s existing school infrastructure and a vast network of volunteers to identify, enroll and retain out-of-school girls, improving literacy and other foundational skills. 

Educate Girls, Students in Classroom
Educate Girls Logo

Our commitment

We invest in Educate Girls as part of LGT Venture Philanthropy’s education strategy to support solutions which provide high-quality primary education and, in turn, promote global learning and employability. We provide comprehensive support across three areas:

Business expertise

  • Set-up facilitation of first development impact bond in education  
  • Contribution to strategy development


  • Funding assistance with new donors and LGT clients 
  • Collaboration with external experts e.g. partnerships  
  • Exchange with other LGT Venture Philanthropy portfolio organizations on the topics of technology and partnerships


  • Funding for increased capacity across central organizational functions e.g. leadership and management staff 
  • Deployment of LGT Impact Fellows across marketing, fundraising, data science, HR, business development, government partnership and IT functions 

In 2022

  • 459 788

    children reached

  • 55 152

    schools reached

Educate Girls, The first in her generation to enter a school

Educate Girls

The first in her generation to enter a school

LGT Venture Philanthropy is a strategic partner you can lean on for guidance, who is far-sighted, who brings in immense sector expertise and who has the ability to help you navigate the course of your organization.

Safeena Husain Founder and Executive Director of Educate Girls
Safeena Husain

For more information

Learn more about how Educate Girls works in the field