Kaivalya Education Foundation Strengthening the public education system to improve student literacy and numeracy

While India has largely solved the problem of low school enrollment, the country is facing a severe learning crisis due to a weak public education system and lack of dialogue between key stakeholders. The need to increase motivation levels and the operational efficiency of schools and government staff across the system has become paramount. Founded in 2008, the Kaivalya Education Foundation works to improve the quality of public education by strengthening leadership, improving processes and deploying technology at the school, district and state levels. Kaivalya acts as a systems integrator and partners with several stakeholders, including hyper-local NGOs and local governments, to deliver its programs.

How Kaivalya is transforming India's public education system.

Our commitment  

We invest in the Kaivalya Education Foundation as part of LGT Venture Philanthropy’s education strategy to support solutions which provide high-quality primary education and, in turn, promote global learning and employability. We provide comprehensive support across three areas:

Business expertise

  • Strategic communications for fundraising and brand building  


  • Development of a partnership strategy to scale across 112 aspirational districts in India 


  • Robust impact framework 
  • Data strategy for targeted, real-time insights at the district level 

In 2021

  • 25 000

    students reached

  • 300

    schools reached

  • 112

    districts reached

  • 6

    states reached

We really appreciate LGT Venture Philanthropy’s approach to think long term and develop an engine for the organization to create long lasting social impact.

Manmohan Singh Co-founder at KEF and Head of Aspirational District Collaborative
Manmohan Singh

For more information

Learn more about how Kaivalya works in the field