Antara Foundation Coordinating community healthcare services to save lives

While India’s relatively high maternal and under-five mortality rates have fallen over the past three decades, complications in pregnancy and childbirth, in addition to malnutrition, continue to cause a preventable loss of life. The country’s two million community health workers play an invaluable role yet often operate in silos, lacking the coordination needed to ensure that at-risk mothers and children get quality healthcare when it matters most. The Antara Foundation has developed an innovative collaborative platform and training methodology to drive up the number of community health workers working together to treat each patient – and, in turn, deliver timely, targeted health and nutrition solutions at scale.

Anatara Foundation, Meeting with Community worker
Antara Logo

Our commitment

We have invested in the Antara Foundation as part of LGT Venture Philanthropy’s health strategy, with its focus on models that design, scale, strengthen and sustain digitally empowered solutions to provide high-quality primary healthcare to underserved communities. We provide comprehensive support across three areas:

Business expertise

  • Strategic planning exercise  

  • Build-up of board governance processes  

  • Input to strengthen community engagement and technology policies  


  • Expansion of funder networks  

  • Enhancement of technology partnerships   


  • Funding for staff and systems across key functions e.g. CEO, HR, communications 

In 2023

  • 379 348

    pregnant and lactating women received better health services

  • 379 348

    of children under five received better health services

  • 2880

    Community Health Workers trained directly

  • 8 935

    village areas mapped

LGT Venture Philanthropy massively supports our grassroots maternal, child health and nutrition programme delivery, and strengthens our governance mechanisms, internal controls and strategic thinking.

Alexander Ashok Founder-Director of The Antara Foundation
Alexander Ashok

For more information

Learn more about how Antara works in the field